



——Neurofeedback for ADHD: Significant, lasting improvement脑电生物反馈治疗多动症:显著而持续的疗效,作者Dr Naomi Steiner博士工作于美国波斯顿塔夫咨儿童医疗中心

    目前,国内ADHD治疗的主要手段是药物与行为联合治疗,即在药物治疗的同时,辅以正确的家庭教育、学校辅导教育、社会支持的接纳。目前国内临床仍然将药物治疗作为治疗的首选,中枢兴奋剂是属国家严格控制使用的药物,也就是通常所说的“红处方”,具有一定的药物依赖风险,一旦停药容易引起反弹。且由于相当一部分患儿对于药物治疗没有效果,因此临床多采用其它中枢兴奋剂联合治疗的方法。脑电生物反馈是一种新型安全有效的物理治疗方法,通过将患儿脑电节律的实时展现,训练提高儿童对于脑电节律的自我调节能力,从而控制大脑的精神状态和行为。据美国儿科杂志所发表的新多动症治疗临床研究数据显示,多动症患儿经脑电生物反馈治疗40次后(每周治疗三次,每次45分钟),治疗起效快,6个月内持续有效率>90%,  是一种非常重要的药物替代或补充治疗方法。

Neurofeedback for ADHD: Significant, 
Lasting Improvement
(doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-2059d) In-School Neurofeedback
Training for ADHD: Sustained Improvements From a Randomized Control Trial
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate sustained improvements  6 months after a  40-session, in-school computer attention training intervention using neurofeedback or cognitive training (CT) administered to 7- to 11-year-olds with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
METHODS: One hundred four children were randomly assigned to receive neurofeedback, CT, or a control condition and were evaluated 6 months postintervention. A 3-point growth model assessed change over time across the conditions on the Conners 3-Parent Assessment Report (Conners 3-P), the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Parent Form  (BRIEF), and a systematic doubleblinded classroom observation (Behavioral Observation of Students in Schools). Analysis of variance assessed community-initiated changes in stimulant medication.
RESULTS: Parent response rates were  90% at the  6-month follow-up. Six months postintervention, 
neurofeedback participants maintained significant gains on Conners 3-P (Inattention effect size [ES] 
= 0.34, Executive Functioning ES = 0.25, Hyperactivity/Impulsivity ES = 0.23)and BRIEF subscales 
including the Global Executive  Composite  (ES= 0.31), which remained significantly greater than 
gains found among children in CT and control conditions. Children in the CT condition showed 
delayed improvement over immediate postintervention ratings only on Conners 3-P Executive
Functioning (ES = 0.18)  and 2  BRIEF  subscales.  At  the 6-month  follow-up,  neurofeedback
participants maintained the same stimulant medication dosage, whereas participants in both CT and control conditions showed statistically and clinically significant increases  (9 mg [P = .002] and  13 mg [P < .001], respectively).
CONCLUSIONS: Neurofeedback participants made more prompt and greater improvements in ADHD symptoms, which were sustained at the 6-month follow-up, than did CT participants or those in the control group. This finding suggests that neurofeedback is a promising attention training treatment for children with ADHD.
Medscape: Megan Brooks
February 26, 2014
Computer-based neurofeedback can produce significant and lasting improvement in attention and focus in children with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and is superior to computer-based cognitive training (CT), new research shows.
Results from a randomized controlled trial showed that children who received computer-based neurofeedback made faster and greater improvements in ADHD symptoms, which were sustained at the 6- month follow-up, than their peers who received 
computer CT.
"Sustainability of improvements after a behavioral intervention is not usually found, and an important finding," Naomi Steiner, 
MD, of the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, told Medscape Medical News.
Dr. Steiner noted that it was also important that the study was carried out in the school setting.
"Most neurofeedback studies take place in the lab or in a clinic setting. This is translational research," she said.

The study was published online February 17 in Pediatrics.
Helpful With or Without Meds
Neurofeedback and CT are 2 forms of computer-based attention training. Neurofeedback trains users with
electroencephalographic sensors embedded in a bicycle helmet to increase their beta waves (an attentive state) and to suppress
theta waves (a drowsy state) when viewing their brain waves on a computer screen. CT involves cognitive exercises that focus on attention and working memory with computer feedback to reinforce correct responses.
The Boston team randomly assigned 104 children in second and fourth grade with ADHD to receive in-school neurofeedback (Play Attention, Unique Logic and Technology Inc), CT (Captain's Log, BrainTrain), or a control condition.
Both neurofeedback and CT groups received 3 45-minute intervention sessions each week in the classroom for a total of 40 sessions under the supervision of a research assistant.
Observations before and immediately after the interventions, reported previously by the investigators, showed significantly. 
greater improvements in ADHD symptoms, including attention and executive functioning, in the neurofeedback group relative to the CT or control condition groups.
The investigators now report outcomes at 6 months postintervention, which show a similar pattern.
Children who received neurofeedback maintained significant gains on the Conners 3-Parent Assessment Report for inattention 
(effect size [ES] = 0.34), executive functioning (ES = 0.25), and hyperactivity/impulsivity (ES = 0.23) and on the Behavior 
Rating Inventory of Executive Function Parent Form (BRIEF) subscales, including the global executive composite (ES = 0.31), 
"which remained significantly greater than gains found among children in CT and control conditions," they report.
Children who received CT showed delayed improvement over immediate postintervention ratings only on Conners 3-Parent Assessment Report executive functioning (ES = 0.18) and 2 BRIEF subscales.
There were no differences between neurofeedback and CT on classroom observation measures.
The investigators say that it is "noteworthy" that children in the neurofeedback group maintained their stimulant medication dose while presumably experiencing the same physical growth and increased school demands as children in the CT and control 
groups, whose medication dosage increased by 9 to 13 mg methylphenidate-equivalent units.
It is also worth noting that the study included children who were on and off stimulant medication.
"Most studies do not included children on medication. However, we found that children on stimulant medication in the neurofeedback group improved as much as the children who were not on medication.
"This is very important clinically because it suggests that children on stimulant medication can also benefit from doing neurofeedback to train their attention and executive function," Dr. Steiner said.
Both neurofeedback and CT systems are currently being used in school systems across the United States, the investigators note in their article.
"Per session," Dr. Steiner said, "computer cognitive attention training is going to be cheaper than neurofeedback. However, as the results in the neurofeedback group are not only greater but also in more areas and were sustained, the long-term cost/benefit 
calculation might shift."
Promising Treatment
Commenting on the findings for Medscape Medical News, Martijn Arns, PhD, researcher in the Department of Experimental
Psychology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and director of the Research Institute Brainclinics, said the study contributes more evidence that "neurofeedback in the treatment of ADHD has clinical benefit, and that these effects seem to be maintained 
across time."
Dr. Arns, who was not involved in this research, noted that the effect sizes reported for neurofeedback in this study are "slightly 
lower" than what he and his colleagues found in a previous meta-analysis (Arns et al, Clin EEG Neurosci, 2009;40:180-189).
"Most likely, the fact that neurofeedback was implemented in a school setting in a standardized way might explain the slightly lower effects as compared to studies that employed neurofeedback in a clinical setting. On the other hand, it does demonstrate that such a treatment can be implemented in a school setting," Dr. Arns said.
"Recent studies have demonstrated limitations of medication in the long term; hence, treatments that have more sustained effects 
in ADHD are much needed," Dr. Arns added. Neurofeedback is a "promising avenue for the treatment of ADHD," he concluded.
The study was supported by an Institute of Education Sciences grant. The authors and Dr. Arns report no relevant financial relationships.
Pediatrics. 2014;133:483-492. Abstract

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